Case Study

Baars & Bloemhoff + Cutr

Ce partenariat a permis à Baars & Bloemhoff de développer ses activités de manière efficace et durable.

Company name

Baars & Bloemhoff

Company industry

Interior supplier

Project type


« Cela faisait plus de cinq ans que nous discutions du développement d'une plateforme telle que Cutlist, et Cutr l'a lancée en un mois. Nous n'aurions jamais pu le faire nous-mêmes aussi rapidement que Cutr. »
Peter van Voskuilen
Product Owner, B&B

Table of contents

Seamlessly source your wooden parts. Start now.

How Cutr helped Baars & Bloemhoff

Time saving

B&B quoting team now spends 80% less time on quoting orders

Instant pricing

B&B customers can now get instant prices 24/7!

Technology partner

Integrated Cutlist for B&B in a month

The client

Baars & Bloemhoff is a Dutch interior supplier supplying high-quality wood-based materials for over 50 years. They pride themselves on close relationships with their customers and a focus on outstanding service. They also have an eye on innovation, always thinking about what the future industry might look like.

“We're a company who cares about "the ease of doing business" and we always make sure that keeping our promises is not a lucky shot but a scalable solution - John Faas, Business Unit Manager

The challenge

Whilst most of their business had digitised, their semi-finished service was still complete analogue, meaning customers sending cutlists by email or phone. They faced a significant challenge in their production due to time-consuming and unscalable manual processes. Their support & quoting team was at their limit and unable to get ahead. Baars & Bloemhoff was hunting for a solution that would digitise and optimise the cutting process, reduce waste & errors, and improve production efficiency while enhancing the overall customer experience.

"Most of our business has already become digital, however, our custom cutlist service was still completely analogue. It was time to find a solution for digitizing the last service" - Dyonne Sabel - Project Manager

The solution is a manufacturing marketplace for interiors & furniture products. Cutr has developed Cutlist as a SaaS tool that streamlines the production process of semi-finished products, optimises the use of materials, and reduces time and waste in the production process. Baars & Bloemhoff partnered with Cutr to integrate and customise the tool with their e-commerce platform to digitise their semi-finished business.

"We'd been discussing developing a platform like Cutlist for over five years, and Cutr turned it on in a month. There's no way we could have done this ourselves as quickly as Cutr." - Peter van Voskuilen, Product Owner

They focused first on integrating a customer interface, then next focused on integrating the tool with their product and pricing logic and then their production partner. Cutlist had an immediate and large impact on quoting efficiency.

“Our quoting team now spends 80% less time on quoting orders that come through the Cutlist tool. Not to mention the time saved for our customers! They can now get custom prices straight away, 24/7”  - Dyonne Sabel - Project Manager

Both teams focused on building tools to improve production efficiency, and enhance the overall customer experience. They ran numerous interviews with customers and Baars & Bloemhoff employees to really understand how they could make the process of ordering semi-finished products easier, faster and magical.

“This tool is fantastic, I immediately see prices for my cutlist order without having to wait for Baars & Bloemhoff employees to reply” - Leo Meijer, Baars & Bloemhoff customer

The future

The partnership has enabled Baars & Bloemhoff to scale their business efficiently and sustainably, and they're now marketing to grow the business. The Cutlist integration is just the beginning, with more features landing every month and new opportunities for innovation and growth. What’s next? They want to start producing machine ready files that can automatically go into production.

"Baars & Bloemhoff has big plans for the future, and Cutr can help us get there. We think Cutlist is just the start" - John Faas, Business Unit Manager.


This industry is built on relationships and craftsmanship. By using Cutlist to reduce the repetitive administrative work, Cutr & Baars & Bloemhoff were able to give more time to employees and customers to focus on essential and rewarding work and spend less time on the quoting and data entry.

The integration of into Baars & Bloemhoff's value-added business has transformed their process and enabled them to scale their business efficiently and sustainably.

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