Nous avons publié Cutlist. Votre solution unique pour la découpe de précision des tôles et le cerclage des bordures. Essayez-le dès maintenant !

Packaging Guidelines



  • Size. Determine which pallet is best for your order:
    - europallet = 80 x 120 cm
    - blokpallet = 100 x 120 cm
    - sheet size pallet (custom made or bought) = 244 x 122 cm
  • Important: Unless you are delivering and unloading these items directly at the customer address, you should assume pallets will not be returned to you.

Other materials

  • Cardboard
  • Spare wood panels
  • Plastic foil
  • Plastic foam foil
  • Corner protection (cardboard preferred)
  • Straps

Packing specifications


  • Make sure you wrap EVERYTHING (no open spaces) individual items inside of the box if they are prone to scratches or dents.
  • Fill in empty space with packaging paper or biodegradable peanuts.
  • Close the carton box with glue tape so that it cannot be opened. Use H-taping method to seal all edges and seams.
  • Write FRAGILE outside on the box if something could break. Also put an arrow with UP if needed and indicate whether the end user should open a specific side first by writing: OPEN THIS FIRST.


  • Bottom layer: Use a protective layer between the pallet and the first part on the bottom. This can be cardboard or other spare wood pieces. This layer should be larger than the largest part of the order.
  • Always offset maximum dimensions: leave 5 - 10 cm of space between the edge of the pallet and the largest part of the order.
  • For flat packs, pile parts on pallet from largest to smallest.
  • Use thin cardboard or paper between layers of parts, especially important for materials or finishes that can get scratched or dented.
  • For larger series where using protection between layers is not possible, we recommend arranging the parts such that distinct material type/finishes are not touching, rather same materials face each other.
  • Top layer: Use a protective top layer from cardboard or wood to protect the top panel against the straps.
  • If needed, use a cardboard wrap around for further protection.
  • All external corners should be covered in cardboard to protect against potential impacts.
  • Use at least 2 straps to secure parts to pallet. Make sure to use some protection layer (e.g. cardboard) to protect the straps from directly pressing on the parts.
  • Ensure no parts are loose after strapping down the pallet. The pallet needs to be able to stand alone and should not be top heavy.
  • International transport it is normal to make a wooden box around products if you use a 3d party supplier. Depends of the value of the products.


  • Print out and fill out one Cutr packing slip per box or pallet. You can also use your own as long as it clearly states:
    - Cutr Order ID
    - Materials or parts
    - Quantity
    - Packing, shipping and delivery date
    - Delivery address
    - Signature
  • Secure packing slip to each box or pallet.
  • Shipping label, if using 3rd party shipment.


  • Always take a photo of the goods before and after packaging.