Case Study

Kobalt Downsized the Team and Yet Takes on More Projects.

Using Cutr means Marcus from Kobalt can run multiple sales processes and not waste time writing quotes. Kobalt shows exactly how to leverage the platform so he can focus on what he is great at: being creative and making furniture.

Company name


Company industry

Interior builder

Project type

Furniture making

By using Cutr I can throw some projects over the fence and don’t have to worry about them. It allows me to work on multiple projects at the same time.

Table of contents

Seamlessly source your wooden parts. Start now.

Not rejecting new jobs

Kobalt uses Cutr as a subcontractor, which means Marcus doesn’t have to say “no” to projects anymore.

More work doesn’t equal more employees

By leveraging Cutr's Production Partners, Kobalt efficiently manages workload fluctuations, maximizing output without growing the team

Enhanced quoting efficiency

Cutr's automated quoting system empowers Kobalt to concurrently run multiple sales processes.


Marcus started his company in 1997 and has since seen a lot of changes in the industry. AI is a new development that he is very excited for. Marcus has known Rodny from the Cutr team for years and have even worked together in the past. Rodny: “It’s always a pleasure to work with Marcus. He is technical and we love receiving his feedback.”

Marcus has invested time in understanding the Cutr platform and is now seeing the fruits of his labor: he is one of the best users of the platform and has jobs lined up months in advance.

Zaantheater in Zaandam

A collaboration that makes Marcus proud is the Zaantheater in Zaandam. He smiles when the shares the journey from inception to completion, fueled by Cutr's efficiency. They built the couches, side tables and tables. A project starting in June and finishing in September. “And it even had a holiday in between!” he adds jokingly.


Furniture making & project management in one

Working with Cutr has changed Marcus’ business quite drastically. Where Marcus used to spend most of his days being creative, technical and working with wood, he now needs to put his project manager hat on at times. Cutr has allowed him to take on more jobs, with less the amount of staff. Having a big company was never his dream: Cutr has made it possible to downsize without losing out on jobs. Quite the opposite: he can take on more jobs and get freelancers to help with installations when he needs it.

Another reason he can take on more jobs: he’s not wasting time quoting, a part that ordinarily takes a lot of time away from actually working on a job. Marcus has invested time into understanding the Cutr platform. As he says: “Making things goes well, but computers sometimes remain difficult.” A feeling more creatives would recognize. But Marcus could see that investing time would pay off in the long run. And it does: Cutr and Marcus work on at least 4 jobs a month together. He says people shouldn’t get stuck in old patterns and have to adapt to the new times.

“I used to have a bigger team, but that was never my ambition. Since using Cutr I work with freelancers whenever necessary instead.”

Optimizing the platform

Marcus uploads the drawings after which Cutr will start working on quotes. When this is done, Marcus can see it back in his own environment immediately and give feedback after which Cutr will take that into consideration. This usually happens within the hour. Because Marcus doesn’t need to spend unproductive time on quoting, he can spend time on what he really loves doing: creating furniture.

To use the platform, Marcus makes sure he has all the information Cutr needs before going through the steps. He knows that it’ll come back like a boomerang if he skips steps: the Cutr team will have to follow up with emails. Being prepared with all the information is crucial in optimally using the platform.

Kobalt’s Future with Cutr

Marcus envisions a promising future with Cutr, attributing a remarkable 4 out of 5 to their collaborative journey. The seamless workflow and peace of mind provided by Cutr propel Kobalt towards success and they will continue on the same path. There are another 4 jobs in the pipe for next month, and more on the horizon. He got a couch delivered this week that he is very happy about. "The speed with which you receive the quote, assess the drawing, match it to a Production Partner, and the ease of mind it provides is great."


Marcus hopes more furniture makers will see the benefit of Cutr, but he also understands it’s hard for some of the older generation to get their heads around to a digital platform.

For these people we’d like to say: the Cutr team is always ready to support and train you through the process. Before you know it, you can have multiple projects a month added to your portfolio without taking on the extra workload.

Ready to Revolutionize Your Business?

Join Kobalt and numerous other success stories on the Cutr platform! Reach out to our dedicated team today to unlock a world of opportunities.. Get in touch with the team at [email protected].

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