Design management
Effortlessly upload your design files in any format (.STEP, .DXF, .PDF, etc.) and instantly visualize your project on our platform. Easily provide detailed project specifications, including technical files, to ensure accurate quoting. If you need design assistance, our team is ready to support you every step of the way.
Upload any design files and instantly visualise them.
Get design help and approve your files on the platform
Instant manufacturing error checks

Quote management
Experience the convenience of centralized quote management. Cutr provides a streamlined platform where you can effortlessly receive, review, and compare quotes. Seamlessly communicate your requirements, provide feedback, and obtain revised quotes, all in one place.
Get quotes for your designs within 12 hours
Compare multiple quotes side by side
Flexible payments terms
Order management
Simplify your order management with Cutr's centralized platform, keeping all your orders organized in one convenient location. Effortlessly access and review your order history, making reordering as easy as a single click.
Keep track of all your orders in one place
Manage all your invoices and payments on the platform
Track order progress at every stage

FSC Certified Platform
Experience the assurance of sustainable wood sourcing with our FSC certified platform. Cutr offers a robust platform where you can seamlessly discover, evaluate, and select wood products that meet FSC environmental standards. Our license number is FSCÂź C197430.
Get quotes for FSC certified materials and production
Choose FSC certified materials wherever required
Get sustainable solutions with a click of a button
How Cutr works
Upload your design
Upload your design file(s). All of your files stay private and secure.
Receive a quote
Our team of experts will get back to you with a quote within days.
Once you accept the quote we take care of the entire manufacturing process.
After a quality check the product gets safely delivered to your doorstep.
Ihre Produkte durchlaufen eine konkurrenzlos QualitÀtssicherungsprozess
Mit einem starken Engagement fĂŒr QualitĂ€t stellt Cutr sicher, dass jedes Produkt den höchsten Standards entspricht. So geht's...

Optimierung von Designdateien
Unser Team von erfahrenen Ingenieuren kann Ihre Konstruktionsdateien optimieren, um die Produktionseffizienz zu maximieren.

Alle Dateien werden auf hÀufig gefundene Fehler analysiert, um sicherzustellen, dass die Dateien produktionsbereit sind.

Alle unsere Produktionspartner werden strengen QualitĂ€tsprĂŒfungen unterzogen, bevor sie in das Netzwerk von Cutrs aufgenommen werden.

Alle Lieferungen werden vor dem Versand anhand unserer QualitĂ€tskriterien ĂŒberprĂŒft, um sicherzustellen, dass wir Ihre Erwartungen erfĂŒllen.
Straight from customers

Thimna Pandithakoralage
Hanze Projectinrichting

Steggink Interieurs

Tiny Space

Bart Brand
Brand Amsterdam

Harold Klok
CNC Factory

Jorn Hofman

Huang Pai

Marcus Raat

Beau Lenselink

Robert Stroomberg
Lay3rs Smart Industry Solutions

Robbert-jan Even
Box Sociaal
Box Sociaal
Upload your design file and get a quote
within days
Quality production with trusted production network.



Want to learn more about woodworking and what we do?
We dive into the world of woodwork manufacturing and product design on our blog: âCut Out For Youâ. Read expert interviews, product tutorials, full on guides and much more.